Onix Valve Package For Wall Connection


Hammam Valve Package eliminates the confusion of technical details!

Sometimes technical issues may create confusion and this confusion may delay the purchase of towel warmers to discuss with the installer first. Installation details may bring up many questions; I wonder if my installation is Pex or ½ finger connection?, what do these mean?, does the valve I bought fit the connection? Due to many questions and concerns, sometimes buying a towel warmer may become a hassle! At this point, we have prepared value-added solutions that our customers can easily put into practice and complete their purchase of towel warmers easily.

With our specially designed Hammam Valve Package, we have developed a single solution compatible with many installations.



**The photo is for display purposes only, the shape or surface of the valve varies for each model of Radiator or Towel Warmer.

Hammam Valve Package consists of 4 components:

Valve is compatible? Do not Worry!

Valve: Hammam Valve Package is prepared by choosing the most suitable model of valve that best fits with the surface and form (square or round) of the model of the towel warmer & radiator; specially worked out by our industrial designers

 Pipes PPRC or PeX? Do not Worry!

Pex adapter: Valve inside Hammam Valve Package  is ½” (half finger). Your valve package also includes a PeX adapter in case your plumbing has a Pex connection. This piece is the spacer that will convert the half finger valve into a PeX plumbing connection. If your connection is PPRC, you will not need to use this adapter.

 Pipes exposed? Do not Worry!

Hammam 3 Notched Pipe Closure : Hammam 3 Notch Pipe Closure serves to hide the pipe or extension piece between installation and valve. While designing the Hammam 3 Notch Pipe Closure, 3 notch sizes were determined considering the wall- pipe distance that can fit to all Hammam products. The purpose of notching is to obtain a clean shape by cutting the piece in the size you need from the notches or breaking it with additional apparatus comfortably and properly. Compatible with Pex and PPRC pipe.

As you can see in the diagram below, you can get parts with the dimensions of 15,18,22,27,33,40,49,55,67 and 82mm. You can choose which of these dimensions you need according to the distance between your valve and the wall. You can adjust the small gaps of a few mm by opening and closing the bracket distance of your radiator.

Deformations on your wall? Do not Worry!

Hammam Wall Cover:  It has been designed by our industrial designers in a special geometry that has a visual compatible with both square and round shaped valves and radiators. The purpose of use of this wall cover is to hide the deformations on the wall and to make your visual perfectly complete!
